Why You Should Choose Vanguard Funds Over Fidelity ETFs

The two mutual funds with the largest share of the ETF market are Vanguard index funds and Fidelity’s iShares ETFs. And they are not evenly matched in terms of size, performance, and market capitalization. Vanguard ETFs, a group of index funds, has about a third of the market share, Fidelity ETFs has about a third of the market share, and a wide array of other ETFs have a smaller share of the ETF market.

The number of fund shares held by investors is also much larger than the number of shares held by fund managers. It makes sense that those who own fund shares have an easier time acquiring the latest financial news than those who only own fund shares. Those who own fund shares also tend to have a more diverse investment portfolio and therefore probably have more investment opportunities than those who only own a single fund. Besides, investors who are much older and have a greater amount of investment experience are probably better at evaluating the value of specific funds.

Vanguard vs Fidelity

As I noted above, Vanguard funds are collectively referred to as individual stock funds. Vanguard’s investable assets are limited in comparison to Fidelity’s iShares ETFs and the other large funds.

mutual funds

On the other hand, Fidelity funds were chartered to specialize in a corporate action, which means they are more interested in company data and their quarterly results. They do tend to be a little less diversified than Vanguard’s ETFs are.

There are many differences between Vanguard and Fidelity, that can be beneficial to investors. For example, Vanguard has specialized in the stock market for a very long time while other ETFs have only been around for several years.

Is Vanguard Better?

A good example of why Vanguard is a better choice is that it has grown its share of the ETF market over the past several years. Even, though the number of shares held by investors is smaller than Fidelity’s iShares ETFs, the number of investors is larger.

However, Vanguard does not appear to have any differences in the kinds of funds they invest in than Fidelity, although they are listed on the same website. Vanguard’s lists are also a bit more consistent when it comes to fund rankings.

Another argument for Vanguard investing in ETFs is that Vanguard’s ETFs offer a better choice for diversification than their own mutual funds. This is because they are composed mostly of stocks.


When considering investing in the stock market, you want to be sure that you are not limited to the index funds. Vanguard and Fidelity mutual funds tend to be more aggressive than the average mutual fund.

Of course, the best kind of fund is the one that is truly independent of the others, such as the Vanguard and Fidelity mutual funds. You have to understand that there are other types of funds available that fit this description.

Vanguard is also unique in that it combines investing and taxation in one single fund. This is probably one of the best services of all time.

There are several reasons why Vanguard is a superior choice, and I believe that some of them are relevant to your decision. I hope that my analysis will help you make a better decision and ultimately decide which mutual fund is right for you.…